
  • Benefits of Advertising in Yellow Pages

    Yellow Pages:

    Is a telephone directory for businesses (White pages is for non-commercialised businesses).

    Yellow pages can be a useful media for advertising as it:

    • deals with active buyers, consumers use Yellow pages as a source to locate businesses

    • Yellow and white pages are delivered free to households in New Zealand

    • Yellow pages is available online

    • they offer the opportunity to measure the effectiveness of your Ads.

        Yellow pages measure their effectiveness of advertising with AD TRACK:
        AD TRACK measures call volumes through a unique phone number that appears only in your display ad in the Yellow pages. Here's how it works:

        • Yellow pages provide you with a unique AD TRACK phone number that is similar to your existing business land-line number.
        • To measure the number of calls generated by your ad, the unique phone number appears only in your display ad.
        • Calls to your unique phone number are automatically diverted to your existing business phone number.

        The benefits of this include:

        • Monthly reporting on call volumes generated by your display ad.
        • Results summary so you can see at a glance call volumes by month.
        • Up to date analysis which can be used to improve and fine tune future advertising performance.
        • Yellow Pages can also talk to you about how your display ad compares with others in your classification, or of the same size.

        (Source: Yellow Pages Group)

        Limitations of Yellow Pages Advertising:

        • It is not usually used to advertise deals and promotions
        • Difficult to specifically target your ideal market
        • Yellow pages can be costly depending on your ad
        • The book is only published once a year so if your business moves, or you want to make changes to your Ad, you'll have to wait for the following year
        • there are limitations to the quality and colour of your advertisements

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