My 10 best tips on Social Media posts
One of my Internet marketing workshop attendees asked what they should post on their business social media page so I scanned through my notes, books and stats and came up with this list.
Firstly, know your market and what Social Network they're using. In New Zealand, for business, it's largely this:
- Facebook is for Business to Customer (B2C) interactions such as quizzes, stories, entertainment, news and offers.
- LinkedIn is for Business to Business (B2B) interactions such as inspirational posts, tutorials, tips and offers.
- Twitter is for real-time interactions such as breaking news in a number of different markets such as Education, Youth and Media.
Always think from your customer's perspective and what they would be likely to click. Here's some scientifically proven posts that get results:
1. Make a special offer
Such as "Free Internet Marketing Workshop". I had a target of 14 signups in my last campaign and got 50 because I used the word free, a friendly photo and a convincing description followed by a page that had everything the customer needed to make their decision. One of my workshop attendees said he decided to come after he read the first paragraph. Here's what the post looked like:2. Write about what you're doing
Your staff, friends, customers and competitors are interested in what you're doing. If they engage with your posts then they also improve your brand by humanizing it and share your content with their friends. For example, if 500 people LIKED you post it could reach up to 5 million people.3. Ask questions
Your readers make excellent Focus Groups and you can also posit questions that reveal why your company is better such as "What are the 3 reasons website fail?"4. Post awesome photos and video
Photos and Videos get more clicks (Photos get 53% more Likes, 104% more comments, and 84% more click-throughs -, 2014). Make sure that users aren't just clicking to see the photos but are interacting or being directed to a content page on your website. As an example, here's what my last photo post:5. Make Lists
People like clicking on lists such as "The 3 reasons websites fail" because they can quickly scan the content.6. Write words of wisdom
Social media is great for helping customers, interacting and making offers but it can also significantly improve your reputation/webutation. Share your knowledge with others and you'll be seen as the expert in your industry.7. Hijack attention (AKA, Micro Disruption Theory)
Were you one of the ones that was fooled by posts saying that flight MH370 was found? That was some dodgy spammers hijacking prevalent news. Don't be dodgy like them but if there is something in the news related to your industry you should blog or post about it.8. Praise people
Praising staff, suppliers, friends or even competitors. It not only makes them look good but it builds positivity and fearlessness around your brand.9. Post a quiz
Personally I don't interact with quizzes but lots of other people do so they'll get you lots of interaction.10. Post blogs
I find that I get a lot more interaction and clients from my blogs and I think it's because people see it as real content. If I'm going to take the time to write a blog then it's probably isn't a waste of their time. Here's an example of how my blogs do better than my other posts:That's what works for me. If you know of any other good ideas let me know because I'm now going to add this as a new section in my Internet marketing workshop.
brynn :-)