
  • Tips for working from home

    Tips when working from home

    I've been working from home for about 2 years. Here's some tips for people that are new to it:

    1. Keep regular work hours. Doesn't have to be 8 hours a day but it's important to keep a schedule such as starting work at the same time every day from Monday to Friday.
    2. If you need to access your computer at work or share your computer with others such as technical support or work colleagues install for free.
    3. Use a calendar like to schedule your tasks over the next 4 weeks.
    4. Do some sort of exercise (at least 30 minutes a day) such as mowing lawns, walking, dancing in your kitchen. To track this I use an app on my phone called Google Fit.
    5. Get good at using cloud based apps to do your work. Here's a few that I use:
      Telephone (VOIP): 
      Receive Credit Card payments:
      File Storage and cloud based documents and spreadsheets:
    6. Keep social. Talk to neighbours over the fence. Call friends and family. Message friends on Bookface.
    7. Plan hobbies. To keep interested and creative, plan times to work on your hobbies during the week.
    8. Eat healthy and try new recipes. Being stuck at home makes it really easy to put on weight so it's important to eat well.
    9. Listen to music. Since working from home I play a lot more music now and have purchased a subscription to YouTube Music so I can play any music I want.
    10. Educate. Now that you have more time is the perfect opportunity to learn new skills. I mostly use YouTube to find out how to do things but there are plenty of great educational sources online.

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